Join Pastor George & Denise Raduano on an Israel Tour starting at $4,599* from the New York Area, or $4,897* from Baltimore, MD on March 25, 2025. You will see Magdala, Kibbutz Nof Ginosar, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Beit Shean, River Jordan, Chorazim, Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Nimrod’s Fortress, the Golan...Read More

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Join Pastor George & Denise Raduano on an Israel Tour starting at $4,599* from the New York Area, or $4,897* from Baltimore, MD on March 25, 2025. You will see Magdala, Kibbutz Nof Ginosar, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Beit Shean, River Jordan, Chorazim, Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, Nimrod’s Fortress, the Golan Heights, Dolmens, Mount Precipice, Nazareth, Tel Megiddo, Caesarea Maritima, Masada, Qumran, Ein Gedi, the Dead Sea, the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, Mount Zion, the Western Wall, the Rabbi’s Tunnel, Southern Wall Excavations, Temple Institute, the City of David excavations, Warren’s Shaft, the Cardo, the Pool of Bethesda, the Lithostrotos, and much more!

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Daily Itinerary

Day 1 - March 25 – Departure

Your journey begins when you depart the USA on your overnight international flight.

Day 2 - March 26 – Arrival

Welcome to the Holy Land! Upon arrival at the Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport, you will be met by your guide and transferred to your Tiberias hotel for dinner & a good night’s rest.

Day 3 - March 27 – Jesus in the Galilee

Start your day at the recent excavations of Magdala, the hometown of Mary Magdalene. At Kibbutz Nof Ginosar, see the ancient boat, a fishing vessel from the time of Jesus, which was raised from the bottom of the Sea of Galilee. Set sail across the Sea of Galilee for a special time of worship on the water. Explore Capernaum, the center of Jesus’ ministry in the Galilee, including the ruins of the synagogue built over the one in which Jesus taught. Visit the ruins of Beit Shean, a city that was continuously inhabited for 5000 years and was one of the Roman cities Jesus passed on his way from Galilee to Jerusalem. Finally, gather at the River Jordan, where you can remember or renew your baptism.

Day 4 - March 28 – Northern Israel

This morning, walk the streets of Chorazim, listed as a “city of woe” by Jesus (Matt. 11). Travel north to Tel Dan, one of ancient Israel’s boundary markers - “From Dan to Beersheba.” Close by is Caesarea Philippi, where Jesus traveled with His disciples and where nearby Peter made his great confession to Jesus, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Drive on the slope of Mount Hermon to Nimrod’s Fortress. It was in this area that many believe the transfiguration took place. Travel through the Golan Heights and better understand their strategic importance to the security of Israel. Gamla is considered the Masada of the north, a city that succumbed to the Roman army as they made their way to Jerusalem. Also in this area are the mysterious Dolmens, stone monuments presumed to be grave site markers that date back to the time of Abraham.

Day 5 - March 29 – From Sea to Sea

Bid the Galilee farewell and head west to Mount Precipice overlooking Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus. Stand on Mount Carmel, where Elijah defeated the prophets of Ba’al. Follow the ancient caravan route to Tel Megiddo, an exciting archeological dig with its layers of twenty different cities built on top of each other, overlooking the Plains of Armageddon. Arrive at the coastal port city Caesarea Maritima, where Cornelius became the first gentile convert and where Paul was imprisoned before being sent to Rome for trial. Continue to Jerusalem and check into your hotel for dinner and your overnight stay.

Day 6 - March 30 – Southern Ruins & Waters

Travel south to Masada, the spectacular mountaintop fortress of Herod the Great, famous as the final stronghold of the Jewish Rebellion. Take the cable car to the top and peer down at the Roman Camps and siege ramp below. At Qumran, learn about the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the mysterious Essenes community that once lived there. At the oasis of Ein Gedi, recall how David sought refuge from Saul. Finally, take the opportunity to float in the renowned salt and mineral-laden waters of the Dead Sea.

Day 7 - March 31 – Jerusalem & Bethlehem

Start your day atop the Mount of Olives, where you can take in a breathtaking view of the “Golden City” of Jerusalem. It was from this mountain that Jesus ascended to Heaven 40 days after the resurrection. Pray in the Garden of Gethsemane among the olive trees as Jesus did the night He was betrayed with a kiss. On Mount Zion, visit the traditional site of King David’s Tomb and the nearby Upper Room. Also, enter the House of the High Priest Caiaphas, where it is believed Jesus was imprisoned prior to the crucifixion. This afternoon, go to Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, and look out over Shepherds’ Field, where the angels proclaimed “good tidings of great joy!”.

Day 8 - April 1 – Jerusalem

Pray alongside the Jewish faithful at the Western Wall. Take a step back in time in the Rabbi’s Tunnel, where stonework dates from the Second Temple Period. Visit the Southern Wall Excavations, including the Teaching Steps, some of which remain from the time of Christ. At the Temple Institute, learn about the Jewish temple and see replicas of the instruments used for worship and sacrifice. Walk through the City of David excavations, including Hezekiah’s Tunnel, an amazing engineering feat that was dug from both ends to meet in the middle. Peer down Warren’s Shaft, thought to have served as a freshwater drawing point for the city and could have been how Joab entered the city and opened it to David’s forces.

Day 9 - April 2 – Jerusalem

Explore the Old City of Jerusalem, including the Cardo, where ancient and modern are mingled together. See the Pool of Bethesda, where Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. Visit the Lithostrotos at the Convent of the Sisters of Zion. This area of pavement constructed with large slabs is associated with the condemnation of Jesus by Pilate. The pavement also has a Roman “King’s Game” board carved into it to use for a dice game that recalls the casting of lots for Jesus’ clothing after His crucifixion. Finally, gather at the Garden Tomb to share communion as you reflect on the agony of the crucifixion & the glory of the resurrection!

Day 10 - April 3 – Return Home or Enjoy an Extension

Return home with a transformed faith and memories to last a lifetime!

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Enhance Your Journey

Wonders of Petra & the Dead Sea extension - Starting from $1,169

April 3 - 6, 2025 • $1,169*

A minimum number of participants must be reached to operate extensions. Contact us for specifics.

April 3 – Jerash
This morning, you will journey across the Allenby Bridge on your way to Jerash, one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the world. Stroll through the oval piazza and wander along colonnaded streets etched by the wheels of ancient chariots. Stand in the grand theatre where an onstage whisper can be heard in the top row. Continue to your hotel for dinner and your overnight stay.

April 4 – Petra
Begin your journey south towards Petra today. Explore the city of Petra. Its entrance passes through a long, narrow gorge known as the Siq and can only be accessed by carriage, horseback, or on foot. Once inside the city, marvel at the intricate detail of a city that was cut into the cliffsides of rose-colored rock. Travel to your hotel at the Dead Sea for dinner and your overnight stay.

April 5 – Madaba & Mount Nebo
Travel to Madaba, the City of Mosaics, to visit the Church of Saint George with its sixth-century, Byzantine, mosaic map showing Jerusalem and other holy sites. Continue to Mount Nebo, where Moses caught a glimpse of the Promised Land (Deut. 34). On a clear day, you can see all the way across the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea to the rooftops of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. Return to your hotel for dinner and your overnight stay.

April 6 – Return to the USA
Arrive in the USA with a lifetime of memories to cherish.

Guests taking an extension may be on a different flight than their group and/or traveling companion.
*A 3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions

Departure Dates

Tuesday, March 25, 2025
From $4,599* Register Now!
*A 3.5% surcharge will be added to all credit card transactions